Unseen Reward is funded by internet advertisers, services to nonprofit groups, and merchants in your local community.  

The more visitors Unseen Rewards gets on our website, the more advertisers will support us with Ad space on the site. 

Unseen Rewards promotes all nonprofits working with us. Including all Houses of worship, community, and service groups.

Unseen Rewards provides Merchant Services to any size business, or persons accepting credit/debit cards.  

Unseen Rewards is not asking for money.

The simple answer is, tell people what you know about Unseen Rewards, and have them checkout our website www.unseenrewards.com. 

 You tell;

Your friends and relatives – About Unseen Rewards, go to the website and contact us.

The leaders of your nonprofit organizations – About Unseen Rewards, go to the website and contact us.

Any business owener/manager you see – About Unseen Rewards, go to the website and contact us.

 I’m asking you, to spread the word about Unseen Rewards making a difference in our Lifes, our families, and the lives of neglected children!