Sharing childhood memories with friends or family are usually about fond meaningful and fun times. But, of course, we all have and share them; unfortunately, some of us may have to search long and hard for these memories. I’m not saying they had a lousy upbringing; maybe their parents were going through hard times.
Let’s face it. Most of us have struggled financially before, and making ends meet, was prioritized over building fond memories for our children. Yet, that is important; we want to pay our bills and provide a respectful standard of living for our family. However, even difficult times will build memories in our children’s minds as well.
I have found, the ones who have the fondest memories are those whose parents or guardians actively seek ways of making those great times for them. So, if you are one with many great stories to tell, then; yes, someone was actively creating these significant events for you.
Part of our responsibilities for raising children is creating memorable events they can share with others later in life. As a result, their children will learn to make memories for their children as well.
Start with little things like weekly house cleaning or yard working days. Make them a consistent routine involving the kids. Then, holidays are a great way to build traditions. First, find something that only you do for each holiday. Next, random events throughout the year, find a way to make them up. Finally, of course, vacations are always a great way to build memories.
In other words, make time for your children. I have heard grandparents say, “making memories.” Those are people who understand the importance of making many childhood memories. They are also the people who understand the UNSEEN REWARDS, are the joy they have placed in their children’s or grandchildren’s future lives.
We may never see the effect these events have on our children, but the parent who makes these memories for their child will have the personal reward of knowing those events will go deep into their child’s memory banks. Moreover, the child will share their stories with others for a long time to come.