About Us

Hello, welcome to Unseen Rewards!

Unseen Rewards actively collaborates with churches, community groups, nonprofit organizations, and merchants in your local communities. We are working with these groups to develop activities designed to equip parents and positively challenge our children’s minds.

Our mission is to enable children to reach their maximum potential in life by encouraging child-rearing, development, and enrichment programs.

Some parents are leaving their child’s development to the school system; unfortunately, public schools have limited resources at maximum capacities. Teachers may (unintendedly) overlook a child’s potential with their heavy workloads.

Unseen Rewards believes many children are not receiving the attention they deserve. Young people are the future leaders in our local and national communities.

They deserve all the mind-stimulating activities available.

Your child could be the next person to discover the cure for covid, cancer, or other future diseases with proper motivation. But unfortunately, by not exposing them to a higher way of thinking, we are restricting their full potential.

Unseen Rewards is diligently working with local groups, and with your help, your children will obtain their full potential.

After all, the children are your UNSEEN REWARDS!

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Kids want to learn

Challenge our minds…

If you inspire us, we will learn.

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